Java considers as one of the most popular computer programming languages, as it is very consistent and used in day- to -day activities like mobile applications and the web. There is a huge requirement for java programmers, especially in the information technology sector. Here we have complied with a list of the top 5 points, that one can use to become better in java programming.

- Before learning any new programming language, it is very important for students to understand the basics of it. It is a prerequisite to develop your skills for Java and be able to work on complex problems and applications. One can brush up their basic java language skills by watching good videos or have a knowledgeable tutor for the same. It is very crucial to understand the basics and reason it out and try to find the logic, rather than mugging it up or skipping it. Since this will lead to confusion and limited development of knowledge.
- To get better as a programmer in java and make a successful career out of it, you also need to keep up to date with the latest technologies and developments in the language. As there are so many apps and so many programmers are working in java, they do come across fresh challenges and problems, and by only being updated with them, you will solve them and get better. Further, reading as much as possible and its open-source frameworks is another important step that one can take. Get into the study mode and try to understand different codes and lessons like Kotlin, microservices, design patterns, API’s and libraries and other documentation is very important.
- Practice makes you perfect, and it is not just a saying, but a very true statement. Since Java is a computer-based programming language, just reading would not be enough. Thus, practice coding and other areas of Java and continue to practice it until you become perfect in it. Try to understand a different set of patterns, rules, applications- based theories. You may also take part in different contests to see where you stand.
- A great practice to get better in java is by subscribing to forums and taking part in group discussions. This not only ensures to increase your subject knowledge but also creates a group of java learners, through which you can learn a lot more. By being with common friends, who share the same subject, it would benefit you all to increase your subject knowledge and solve new problems together.
- The last but definitely not the least point here is to undertake new java related projects, by working as a freelancer or taking up some part-time job. It is true that working in real-world scenarios will you be able to maximize your knowledge and get better at java programming. In fact, you increase your knowledge and also get paid for it.